Historically the FBI has chosen not to release politically damaging information during an election, but Comey chose to make this announcement because of the controversy surrounding his previous decision not to indict Clinton. Not surprisingly, the Democrats, who previously sang the praises of Director Comey, are incensed. The Clinton Campaign has accused Comey of purposely interfering with the election, and demanded that Comey release all information relating to the discovery of the new emails. True to its nature, the media has jumped in feet first, defending Clinton and questioning Comey's motivation. The Washington Post and CNN have taken the lead on this front, helping Clinton to circle the wagons by giving airtime to one Clinton apologist after another. The one fact that they conveniently chose to avoid, is that this entire mess can be laid at the feet of one person: Hillary Clinton.
When Clinton chose to accept the position of Secretary of State in the Obama Administration, she was determined to have total control over all her correspondence and communication. In furtherance of this goal, she chose to install a personal server im her New York residence. While Secretary of State, Clinton knowingly passed classified information on this unclassified server, in direct violation of State Department policy. Clinton was eventually subpoenaed regarding the issue of classified intelligence and her personal server, and she responded by having a technician "bleach" the server, which effectively erased as many as thirty-three thousand emails. How many of those emails were classified? We will probably never know. In addition, Clinton destroyed all thirteen of the Android cellphones and Blackberries that she used during her time as Secretary of State. Not only is that wanton destruction of taxpayer's property and evidence, it is the type of action taken by someone with something to hide.
If Hillary Clinton is looking for someone to blame for this new development, she need only look as far as the nearest mirror. Its not just hyperbole when I say that just about anyone else would have been arrested for security violations of this caliber. Knowlingly destroying evidence pertinent to a Federal Investigation is a Felony. How else would you describe bleaching of the server and the destruction of the communication equipment? Expect Clinton to respond with both barrels. With only nine days left before the election, and Donald Trump threatening to sprint past Clinton in all the battleground states, you can be sure that the Clinton Campaign has cooked up a personal attack on Trump. As is their modus operandi, the media will take whatever they are given and use it to bury the email investigation. You may recall that the last time Trump started getting traction, we were inundated with women accusing Trump of innapropriate behavior. Every one of those accusations have been discredited, but the damage almost cost Trump the election. We can only hope that in the end, people will remember the issues and vote accordingly. This election is about change versus the status quo. If you are happy with the direction we are headed, then you shouldn't vote for Donald Trump.
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